Monday, December 5, 2011

Customer Service Trumps All....Even At LA Fitness

They say that you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig. In the same way, you can build a new LA Fitness gym with all the bells and whistles and if you run it according to the same crappy models of customer service and professionalisim as at your other crappy locations, you’re going to get the same type of end result.

This is exactly what we see with the new Harbor City CA LA Fitness. Seriously. The place is new and has a lot to offer, right? Nobody can question that when you’ve got a good weight area, full batch of machines, bunch of cardio equipement, pool, basket ball courts, etc. All of that is fine and dandy.

But so what? So the money was invested and the club has potential. Potential success is different from success because…well…it’s only ‘potential’, right? It’s the human element that makes any business succeed or fail and the human element at this gym has failed again and again right out of the gate.

Consider the recent story recounted by Maria. This is a girl that lives right next door to this LA Fitness and decided to stop in and give it a try. All she wanted was a one-week pass to see if she really like the place. It’s not like anyone is just going to go to a gym for one week to scam the place. Seriously, lazy people are not motivated.

So did the LA Fitness people give her a chance to preview the facility before she signed up? Of course not. Why would they? All they care about is money and they (still) believe that high-pressure sales tactics are going to be the best way to get that money out of people. Talk about a shake-down.

The bottom like is that it doesn’t matter how nice you dress a place up. It can even be brand new as we see in the case of this particular LA Fitness location. All of that investment of time and money to get a place up and running goes down the pooper if you have bad customer service.

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